Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 23, 2014

8 Thoughts on Time Management: Working More Efficiently

Written by Anthony Demangone

Last week, I wrote a few thoughts on how to squeeze a few more moments out of each work day. All of this was in response to a survey you completed that outlined your challenges. 

Here's the lovely chart, in case you forgot.  These are your personal challenges in 2015.

Personal Challenges 2015

Now that we've discussed how to get more productive time out of the day, how can we work more efficiently?

  1. Stop multi-tasking. Research has shown that focusing on one thing at a time unlocks a great deal of productivity. I use FocusBooster - a free work took that helps me focus on tasks for 25 uninterrupted minutes.  The results are impressive.
  2. Know when to say when What does success look like? Once you hit it, stop. You've heard the 20/80 rule, correct? The first 20 percent of effort usually gets you 80 percent of the way there. Depending on the project, that might be enough. You can group your M&Ms by color before you eat them, but they still taste the same. Don't do work that doesn't matter in the end.
  3. Know when to let go. Sure, you can probably write a fantastic press release. But is it your job? You could process a loan application faster than the new guy you just hired, but is that the best use of your time? You only have so many hours in the day. To focus on what you do best, you're going to need to let go of some control.
  4. Working longer hours doesn't always work. Research shows that as you increase hours worked in a week past 40, greater innefficiencies creap up.   You can push the envelope on this one for a while, but at some point, something will come crashing down.
  5. Fish, or cut bait. Decisions. Make them. Move on. Few are permanent. If you find you chosen wrong, do your due diligence and chart a new course.
  6. Pick up the phone. If you think an email will bounce back and forth more than two times, pick up the phone and call the person. Or stop by their office. Decision by email is rarely efficient. The back and forth of "what about this?" can string a simple decision out for days.
  7. Watch out for the monkey. If you do nothing else, read this post. Never care for or feed someone else's monkey.
  8. Prioritize.  You. Can. Not. Get. It. All. Done. Today. Do. What. Counts.

I hope that helps, folks. Now do me a favor - what are your tricks? How do you get more time out of the day? Or work more efficiently?


Everyone, enjoy the Holidays. When I look back, my favorite memories rarely involve things. They involve people. Laughter. Good food. Great conversation. Go make some good memories.