Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 04, 2017

8 Things I Wonder About....

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

There are many things I think about. But few things I know for certain. 

That used to bother me, but now I am a bit more comfortable with all the uncertainty in life. At times, I think that's all there is to life.

With that in mind, here are some things I think about. I wonder about. Again, there are no answers here. Probably just more questions.

  1. I wonder whether success is due more to have the "right" strategy or execution of any given strategy. You may argue that both are wonderful to have at the same time. But which is weighted more toward success?
  2. Related to the last question, I wonder if it matters more with having the right strategy or execution or having the right people. Let me put that another way. If you could focus on strategy, execution, or building the right team, how would you rank them in priority? Would you?
  3. I wonder how disruptive self-driving cars will be to our industry.  Would fewer cars mean fewer loans? Fewer drivers would mean fewer jobs. Fewer cars would mean fewer manufacturing jobs. Less insurance as well? And how fast would this all kick into motion?
  4. I wonder how artificial intelligence and automation will affect the labor market. Sure, both trends will create jobs, but they will also destroy them. And I don't think the gains and losses will be felt evenly across the country. I wonder how that disruption will play out.
  5. I wonder if my kids will ever write a check. 
  6. I wonder how much we can affect consumers with marketing and our gentle nudges. Do we affect consumers, or do we ride the wave with their changing habits?
  7. I wonder how technology will affect the workforce. How far will teleworking progress? Will we still be using email in 10 years? 
  8. I wonder when the Nationals will clinch the NL East? Hey, they can't all be heavy things, right?

I hope your week is off to a good start. Holler if you ever need anything from NAFCU. As always, we're here to help.


I wonder if I'll see you in one of the following NAFCU events?

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