Musings from the CU Suite

Mar 22, 2016

140 Characters? Ha!

Written by Anthony Demangone

Twitter turned 10-years-old yesterday. 

I remember the first time I really thought about Twitter. 140 characters. That's it?

I may have giggled. 

Well, the joke is on me. Today, there are 974 million Twitter accounts.

I'm sure the founders of Twitter encountered a few giggles on their way to success. I'm glad they ignored the naysayers.

If you're reading this, you've likely heard a few giggles yourself.

From bankers. From Wall-Streeters. And unfortunately, from inside our own industry at times.

Our market share rests at less than 8% of total assets. Oh, but only if we could get to 10%.

Why not 25%? Why not more?

Some may think that's unreasonable. 

Not me. 

If anything, our problem sometimes is that we don't dream big enough as an industry. 

Credit unions are for everyone.



If you agree with today's rant, I urge you to have your credit union sign up for a free webcast.  At NAFCU's recent Strategic Growth Conference, our closing speaker, Mike Neill, led a workshop on delivering world-class member service through a mission-based culture. It was fantastic - inspirational and informative. We wanted everyone in our industry to hear his message. So again, please sign up for this free webcast, which will take place live on April 8. (But it will be available on demand afterward.)

Sign up today!