Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 10, 2015

12 Questions

Written by Anthony Demangone

As I walked to the podium, I knew one thing for sure.

This crowd hasn’t had it easy.

Last week, I addressed 250 compliance professionals at NAFCU’s annual Regulatory Compliance Seminar.

NCUA. The CFPB. TRID. RBC. HMDA. Forms. Policies. Procedures.

The past seven years has seen a non-stop barrage of rule changes, regulations and new requirements.

So what can I say to these dedicated professionals? Can I say that things will get easier? That regulatory change will suddenly halt?

They’d laugh me off the stage.

But I can do this. I can remind them that while so much of the world is outside of our control, there’s a good deal that we do affect.

So here’s a series of questions for them, for you, and for me.

1. Did you get enough sleep last night?
2. Are you getting enough exercise?
3. Are you eating well?
4. Are you giving it your best at work?
5. Do your emails build people up, or tear them down?
6. When is the last time you mentored or coached someone who was struggling?
7. Do you give your colleagues the benefit of the doubt?
8. Do you keep your word?
9. Do you constantly improve your communication skills?
10. Do you understand the duties and responsibilities of your colleagues?
11. When you don’t agree with someone or something, do you rush to judge, or try to understand?
12. Did you thank someone today at work?

Not so powerless, are we?