Compliance Blog

Jul 11, 2008
Categories: Operations

Web 2.0 and your Reputation

I am a big fan of measuring risk.  As compliance officers, we are often asked whether we can do something or how it should be done.  There are other things to consider, however.  One involves your reputation.  Even if you can do something, are you willing to accept how it might affect your reputation.

Take a look at this blog posting, which slams Bank of America for charging three overdraft protection fees.  Without getting into the pros and cons of overdraft protection, this post shows how doing something that is perfectly legal can affect your reputation.

With that in mind, it led me to think about the multitude of blogs that grace the internet.  Are people blogging about your credit union?  If they are, what are they saying?  If you "googled" your credit union's name, what would you find? 

Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other "Web 2.0" phenomenons allow consumers to sound their barbaric yawps over the roofs of the world.

What are they saying?

(Holy cow, after I wrote this, I was reading another blog.  Check out this post, which covers the same topic.  Nicely done by by  Sort of freaky, no?)


Since I shamelessly borrowed from Mr. Whitman above, I thought I'd share another fine verse of his.

Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed passage with you?

Have a great weekend, everyone!