Compliance Blog

Feb 10, 2012

Use the Blog as a Resource Tool; Speed Trap

Written by Steve Van Beek

We know a majority of the daily blog readers receive the daily blog postings via email delivery.  However, don't forget about using the blog as a resource tool as well.  We all remember we saw a certain blog post - but can we find it when we need to share with a colleague?  

Here are three quick ways to find past blog postings on particular topics.

  • Use the Blog's Search Function.  On the blog's main page, there is a search box in the upper-left corner which allows you to search for specific terms in past blog postings.  One of the drawbacks is the search results are by relevance rather than being listed chronologically.  So, if you are looking for the latest on Richard Cordray at the CFPB you might want to follow one of the other options below.
  • View the Blogs Archives.  Each blog post that we do is archived.  The blog archives allow you to pinpoint a particular blog post - if you know the date of the post.  Perhaps you printed out the January 30, 2012 blog post on the Network Exclusivity Requirements from the Durbin Amendment but you want to find the original so that you can access the hyperlinks.  Using the Archives allows you to find blog posts by date which will allow you to find all the January 2012 blog posts.  Also very useful if you were out of the office for a period of time and want to play catch-up.
  • Browse Blog Postings by Category.  Each day we attach "tags" or "categories" to our blog posts.  These tags allow you to view blog postings by topic.  You can find our various categories on the right-hand side of the blog's main page (just below the legal disclaimer).  If you are looking for the latest blog posts on the ADA or Remittances, browsing by category is a great starting point.    

For example, today's blog post includes tags of "Research," "Weblogs,""Meta - Blog," and "Married Life."


It has been over 100 days of marriage for me and my beautiful wife.  We've kept pretty busy but it has been a fun time with new experiences - like "joint" expenses.  I use the term "joint" for reasons described below.

A couple of weeks after the holidays we received an envelope in the mail from:  Metropolitan Police Department, District of Columbia.  The dreaded speeding ticket from DC's "Automated Speed Enforcement."  

There was just one issue: we didn't know who was driving!

While there is some discrepancy as to who is the better driver - my wife, somehow, has a perfect driving record.  I do not.  So I'm sure you could imagine the twinkle in my eye when I thought for a brief second that this was her time.

Unfortunately, it was my time....again.  The timestamp on the photo clearly pinned me as the driver.  My wife's response was immediate:  "And you're paying the ticket too!"  So much for joint expenses.... 

Have a great weekend!