Compliance Blog

May 07, 2014
Categories: Consumer Lending BSA

Three Short Ones: NCUA Grants to Tornado Victims, AML Webinar, and Fair Lending Webcast.

Written by Eliott C. Ponte, Law Clerk

Grants to Help Credit Unions Affected by the Tornados

Low-income credit unions affected by the tornados in the South and Midwest can apply for emergency assistance grants to repair damages or replace equipment to restore services to members.  Low-income credit union can obtain more information about Urgent Needs Grants by clicking here, or can email the Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives at


NCUA Hosts Free Webinar on AML

On Wednesday, May 21, 2014, at 2 p.m. EST, NCUA will be hosting the first of two free webinars titled: “How to Be in Compliance with OFAC and FinCEN.”  The webinars will provide an overview of OFAC’s and FinCEN’s programs, their enforcement authorities, and their relationships with other regulators. In addition, participants may receive a certificate of attendance if they individually participate in the survey offered during the webcast and take a short quiz at the end of the webcast.

Online registration is now open, and the link to the registration page can be found here.  Participants may also submit questions in advance to


NAFCU Fair Lending Webcast: Best Practices and Indirect Auto Lending Issues

Receive important tips regarding how to optimize your fair lending compliance program, plus get updated on the headline-making indirect auto fair lending investigations and enforcement actions.  To find out more information regarding this webcast, click here.