Compliance Blog

May 16, 2011

Thanks for Everything

Posted by Anthony Demangone

I love my job.  I always have.  But I love NAFCU.  Always have.  Ever since I joined this organization in 2004.  So it is with mixed emotions that I have to tell you that my days as NAFCU's head compliance geek are at their end.  In a few short days, I'll transition into the role of NAFCU's Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.  I'll be replacing Pat Morris, who is moving on to be CEO at the ACA.  That's very good news for a very good guy, and I can safely speak on behalf of NAFCU when I say that we wish him nothing but the best.   

It has been a sincere pleasure working with all of you, and I thank you for allowing me to barge into your office each morning through this blog.  Credit union compliance officers are my kind of people. You stand for the rule of law.  You respect process and procedures.  You bow to internal controls.  You understand that just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you may do it, or should.  Your role within an organization should be treasured, nurtured, and respected.  

In my new role at NAFCU, I'll be removed from NAFCU's compliance program.  I'll be in charge of helping my colleagues at NAFCU get what they need so they can do their jobs - which is to serve NAFCU's members.  I'll take with me the respect of risk management, internal controls, and critical analysis that I gained alongside you these past 6-plus years.  I'm humbled and excited at the challenge.

NAFCU's compliance services will still be here, and they'll continue to be great.  And the blog will live on as well.  No one person is indispensable, and that certainly extends to me.  Our compliance services will be headed up by someone else, and that's fine.  NAFCU is busy finding my replacement, but until then Sarah, Steve and Shari are here to help.  

Change is good, and learning new things and challenging yourself is great. Thanks again for humoring me with this blog, and I wish you all the best.

PS: And since I know what you really will miss most, here are a final few pics of Kate and Briggs.


