Compliance Blog

Oct 28, 2011

Thank You; Upcoming Webcast; 2012 Compliance Conferences

Written by Steve Van Beek

Today marks the end of another great Regulatory Compliance Seminar.  I wanted to extend a thank you to all our attendees and presenters.  We had a great week of audience participation and outstanding question and answer sessions.  As the compliance challenges continue, the ability to learn from each other and discuss common issues and concerns will continue to pay dividends and help everyone stay up-to-date on the latest requirements and interpretations.

Thanks again for making this year's Compliance Seminar a success.  Have a great weekend!    


Upcoming Webcast.  If you weren't able to make it to Seminar (or you want to pass information along to your collegues), Sarah and I will be doing a webcast on November 16 discussing some of the same issues we hit on during our talk at Seminar.  

Additional information on the webcast - including a list of topics - can be found here.   


Upcoming Compliance Conferences.  Now also seems like a great time to provide a reminder about our 2012 Compliance Conferences.  

Registration is already open for both events.  Remember, all of NAFCU conferences are open to anyone.  We hope to see you in 2012! Â