Compliance Blog

Sep 23, 2011
Categories: Board and Governance

Robert's Rules of Order

Written by Steve Van Beek

Many credit unions use Robert's Rules of Order for their annual meetings and Board meetings.  The 11th Edition of Robert's Rules of Order is now available.  (Hat Tip to Dan M.)  There is also a listing of changes from prior versions.

NCUA's model FCU bylaws include a fill-in-the-blank section for the credit union to indicate which parlimentary authority it will use for meetings.  Here is from Article IV, Section 4 of the model bylaws:

"(k) To the extent consistent with these bylaws, all meetings of the members will be conducted according to ______________. The order of business for the annual meeting may vary from the suggested order, provided it includes all required items and complies with the rules of procedure adopted by the credit union.

The credit union must fill in the blank with one of the following authorities, noting the edition to be used: Democratic Rules of Order, The Modern Rules of Order, Robert's Rules of Order, or Sturgis' Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure."

Be sure to check your credit union's own bylaws and note that if the credit union updates to the 11th edition of Robert's Rules of Order - it would need to amend its bylaws to reflect the edition being used.


Have a great weekend!  Â