Compliance Blog

Jun 17, 2011

Reputation Risk - Bank Fee Edition; NCUA Webinars

Written by Steve Van Beek

A consistent hot topic for consumer articles and the financial press are stories on new or unique bank fees (or increased fees/death of free checking).  I expect these stories to not only continue but to expand with the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau starting its full operations later in July.  

A helpful reader passed along this CNNMoney article/slideshow on the "9 most annoying bank fees."  As overdraft fee and interchange income decrease, these types of fees will continue to pop up as will general fees for checking accounts.

Credit unions are not immune to these pressures.  New and future regulations have and will dramatically impact current business models.  However, if your credit union is thinking about instituting a new fee or raising existing fees - do not forget to review the reputational risk.  Analyzing how a new fee is viewed by your members or how it would look if reported in your local paper is a valuable tool.     

Market Yourself.  If your credit union does not charge these types of fees (or charges lower fees), don't be shy.  Let your members know they can turn to your credit union if they are frustrated with their current institution.    


The latest NCUA webinars on the Voluntary Prepayment proposal and Current ALLL Exam Issues are available as archived versions. 


After seeing Sarah's great wedding photos, my fiancé and I have our work cut out for us this weekend as we work on our wedding plans.  Luckily, I was able to pull the trigger on an important detail last weekend: the beer selection. 

Have a great weekend! Â