Reg Z Help; Credit CARD Act - Truth in Lending Act
Posted by Steve Van Beek
Section 164 of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1666c)
is amended--
(1) by striking the section heading and all that follows through "Payments" and inserting the following:
"ç 164. Prompt and fair crediting of payments
"(a) IN GENERAL.--Payments";
(2) by inserting ", by 5:00 p.m. on the date on which such payment is due," after "in readily identifiable form";
(3) by striking "manner, location, and time" and inserting "manner, and location"; and
Looking at the section, by itself, it is very difficult to determine what has changed in the law and what is required of credit unions going forward. Â Examination of the current language of the Truth in Lending Act helps to decipher what the new law will look like. Â The link above also comes from the FDIC's list of regulations/laws. Â To navigate within the Truth in Lending Act, click on "[Next Page]" or "[Previous Page]" to find the section the Credit CARD Act amends.
"ç 164. Prompt crediting of payments.
Payments received from an obligor under an open end consumer credit plan by the creditor shall be posted promptly to the obligor's account as specified in regulations of the Board. Such regulations shall prevent a finance charge from being imposed on any obligor if the creditor has received the obligor's payment in readily identifiable form in the amount, manner, location, and time indicated by the creditor to avoid the imposition thereof."
"ç 164. Prompt and fair crediting of payments.
(a) IN GENERAL -- Payments received from an obligor under an open end consumer credit plan by the creditor shall be posted promptly to the obligor's account as specified in regulations of the Board. Such regulations shall prevent a finance charge from being imposed on any obligor if the creditor has received the obligor's payment in readily identifiable form, by 5:00 p.m. on the date which such payment is due in the amount, manner, and location indicated by the creditor to avoid the imposition thereof." (emphasis added).