Compliance Blog

Sep 16, 2011
Categories: Consumer Lending

Products Offered to Servicemembers; Phone-a-Friend

Written by Steve Van Beek

A little over a week ago, we mentioned the CFPB's Office of Servicemember Affairs request for information on financial products and services offered to servicemembers.

NAFCU's Regulatory Affairs team has produced a Regulatory Alert soliciting information from NAFCU-members.  Take a look and share your comments with NAFCU to help us draft our comment letter to the CFPB.  Remember, there is a very short comment window for this information request - with comments due to the CFPB by September 20th.  


For a little Friday fun (and a bit of info on ATM fee disclosure requirements), check out our Who Wants to Be Compliant video.  We are officially on the YouTubes.  

Have a great weekend!Â