Compliance Blog

Aug 26, 2011
Categories: Accounts

NCUA Reg Alert on Garnishment Rule; CARD Act Webcast

Written by Steve Van Beek

In July, NCUA issued a Regulatory Alert to credit unions discussing the recent Interim Final Rule on garnishments.  The Interim Final Rule became effective May 1, 2011 but the Reg Alert provides a general summary of the requirements.

We discussed the garnishment issue previously here - which included a link to FAQs from Treasury.


If you missed NAFCU's August 10 webcast on the Clarifications to the Credit CARD Act, you can still purchase the on-demand version.  


I'm off to Michigan for additional wedding planning activities this weekend.  Given the weather report and flight cancellations, our return trip back to the DC area might be interesting.

Have a great weekend and stay stafe!