Compliance Blog

Jan 26, 2012
Categories: Accounts

NCUA Board Materials; Know Before You Owe; CFPB Hearings; Webcasts

Written by Steve Van Beek

Below are a few tidbits for your Thursday morning.  

NCUA Board Meeting.  The NCUA Board is meeting today and the draft materials are usually available an hour prior to the Board meeting.  The agenda for the meeting is here.  The draft materials will be posted here shortly after 9 a.m. EST.  Update:  NCUA's website indicates the Board materials will be available after today's Board meeting.

Know Before You Owe.  The CFPB released the latest on its Know Before You Owe project to combine the TILA-RESPA disclosures.  The CFPB is continuing to work on the closing documents and is not yet at the proposal stage of the rulemaking process.  Feel free to send any comments you have to the CFPB directly or to NAFCU.  

Cordray Testimony.  The NAFCU Today had a great recap of Richard Cordray's testimony on Tuesday before a House Subcommittee.  Cordray will be testifying in front of the Senate Banking Committee next Tuesday, January 31st - so expect headlines to continue on the new CFPB Director.

Share Insurance Webcast.  Yesterday was our special 2-hour webcast on NCUA's Share Insurance Coverage.  If you missed the webcast, you can still purchase the on-demand version which is available for 12 months.  For a listing of our upcoming live webcasts and available on-demand webcasts, click here.            Â