Compliance Blog

Mar 06, 2009

Loan Mod Details; Da Twins

We've had a number of inquiries from credit unions that have questions about President Obama's Making Homes Affordable loan modification program. Here are two great resources.

First, his administration put out this website, which seems to be serving as a clearing house for a number of his stimulus programs. 

Within this website, you'll find the Making Home Affordable Housing Counselor Q and A document. Access that document here.  This document seems to answer many of the questions that we're getting from members.  Such as: are our loans eligible?


Da Twins should be born any day now.  They are technically due to greet the world on Thursday, March 19th.  But we'll see how well they stick to schedules.  So far, Da Twins are growing well.  Da Boy is 6 pounds, 3 ounces.  Da Girl is currently at 6 pounds.  And Mom is doing very well.  Here's a a peek at our nursery.