Compliance Blog

Sep 08, 2011

Free Checking; Material Loss Reviews

Written by Steve Van Beek

Last week, Felix Salmon ( highlighted a very interesting chart from the American Banker.

Now, I don't necessarily agree with Felix's analysis of the impact of the Durbin Amendment - but this chart might be something to pass along to the decision-makers at your credit union when they ask how others are reacting.

Then again, the sample sizes for each category are not exactly even (i.e., there are many more credit unions than there are banks above $50 billion in assets) - so the raw numbers might tell a different story.

For example, below is a second graph with aggregate numbers (from the underlying survey) - showing a dip from 2009 to 2011 but not as drastic as the 96.0% to 34.6% fall among the biggest banks.  


NCUA's Office of Inspector General recently released two Material Loss Reviews (MLRs).  These are the 3rd and 4th released MLRs in 2011.

The MLR on Certified FCU can be found here.

The MLR on Constitution Corporate FCU can be found here.    

MLRs provide a useful recap of what went wrong and can also provide insight into which areas NCUA will place emphasis going forward. Â