Compliance Blog

Mar 29, 2013
Categories: BSA Accounts

A Final Farewell to the Legacy Forms; eCFR Updated to Reflect ATM Disclosure Amendments; Happy Weekend from the Twins

Written By JiJi Bahhur, Regulatory Compliance Counsel

With April 1 approaching, I thought today would be a good time to remind you all that after March 31, 2013, the legacy reports can no longer be used for filing SARs and CTRs.  Starting April 1, 2013, the new SAR and CTR forms must replace the legacy forms if you have not already said your goodbyes to those forms. 

For more information, check out FinCEN’s guidance on this matter and past blog posts written by NAFCU’s Compliance Team (here, here, and here). 


In last Friday’s blog post, Steve mentioned that the CFPB issued a final rule requiring the removal of the Regulation E requirement to place ATM fee disclosure language “on the machine.” He also mentioned that the final rule would be effective immediately upon publication in the Federal Register.  Well, as of March 26, 2013, the final rule has been published in the Federal Register.  And on a grander note, the language has already been removed from the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, thus making everything consistent. 

    â€œÂ§ 1005.16   Disclosures at automated teller machines.

     (a) Definition. “Automated teller machine operator” means any person that operates an automated teller machine at which a consumer initiates an electronic fund transfer or a balance inquiry and that does not hold the account to or from which the transfer is made, or about which an inquiry is made.

    (b) General. An automated teller machine operator that imposes a fee on a consumer for initiating an electronic fund transfer or a balance inquiry must provide a notice that a fee will be imposed for providing electronic fund transfer services or a balance inquiry that discloses the amount of the fee.

    (c) Notice requirement. An automated teller machine operator must provide the notice required by paragraph (b) of this section either by showing it on the screen of the automated teller machine or by providing it on paper, before the consumer is committed to paying a fee.

    (d) Imposition of fee. An automated teller machine operator may impose a fee on a consumer for initiating an electronic fund transfer or a balance inquiry only if:

     (1) The consumer is provided the notice required under paragraph (c) of this section, and

     (2) The consumer elects to continue the transaction or inquiry after receiving such notice.”

Now when credit unions research Regulation E, the regulation matches the underlying law! Imagine that!


The twins and I intend to just relax this weekend.  We hope you can do the same!

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