Compliance Blog

Jun 25, 2008

Enough Fidelity?; Married Life

I just spoke with a federal credit union that was shocked to learn that it was not holding enough fidelity bond coverage, based on its assets.  This credit union had been examined and audited a bunch, but no one picked up on it.  What is the minimum amount your federal credit union needs?  12 C.F.R. 713.5 will tell you.


Marriage certainly changes things.  A few weeks ago, I innocently emailed Mandy to ask whether we needed anything from the grocery store.  Two minutes later, I get this email:

- Two 2 packs of paper towels
- 1 package organic "hearts of romaine" lettuce (Nature's promise or Giant brand.  Typically, one bag will have 3 palms)
- 2 bags of Nature's Promise/organic baby carrots (1 is for tomorrow night, see below)
- 1 1/2 gallon of 1% Nature's Promise/organic milk
- 1 fridge pack of Fresca
- 1 six pack of bottled water (store brand or cheap)
- 2 bags of low fat cheddar cheese, shredded
- Small jar of Smucker's Simply Fruit, red raspberry or blackberry
- Nature's Promise/organic chicken thighs, boneless
- head of broccoli
- package of whole wheat spaghetti
- 1 or 2 green pepper(s)
- 1 box of good crackers (whole wheat, healthy, etc.)
- 1 box of animal cracker (low fat) cookies
- 1 medium size bag of gourmet potato chips
- 2 bottles of okay red wine
- 1 very small container of prepared pasta or potato salad

I had two reactions:

  1. Based on this list, my days of Cheese Whiz on Ritz crackers are probably behind me.
  2. Moving forward, I see the probability of me sending "do you want me to pick anything up" emails decreasing.