Compliance Blog

Nov 16, 2010
Categories: BSA

Chapter X; The Fed and Dodd-Frank

Posted by Anthony Demangone

With all of the noise surrounding Regulation Z and the CFPB, I sometimes forget that FinCEN has completely reorganized its regulations.  On March 1, 2011, all of its regulations will transfer to 31 C.F.R. Chapter X.  These changes are organizational, with no substantive changes.  But on March 1, 2011, you can throw out all of your old BSA citations!  FinCEN has created a Chapter X resource webpage.   If you are your credit union's BSA officer, this is a must-see webpage. There are more resources to explain the transfer process than you can shake a stick at.


The Fed created this webpage to document its efforts in implementing Dodd-Frank.  If you are tracking Dodd-Frank issues for your credit union, this is a nice resource.  The resource pages notes that the Fed plans on releasing its debit card interchange proposal in the November-December 2010 time-frame.Â