Compliance Blog

Jan 03, 2012

The CFPB's Republishing is Complete

Written by Steve Van Beek

We hope everyone had a joyous and safe holiday weekend as 2012 promises to be another challenging year for compliance officers.  


The CFPB finished its republishing of the consumer regulations in 2011 and I'm sure we will all have fun tracking down regulatory citations and - the regulations themselves - in 2012.  

The latest rules published in the Federal Register were:

Our previous blog posts discussed the republishing process and the prior publications:


The CFPB's Section of the Code of Federal Regulations contains links to the newly republished regulations.  It is unclear when the prior regulators will remove the "old regulations" from their sections of the Code of Federal Regulations - but it is best to begin to use the CFPB's citations.  

Any amendments or changes to the consumer regulations will be reflected in the CFPB's regulations located in Title 12, Chapter X of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Note:  As of this morning, the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) has not been updated to reflect the regulations that went into effect on December 30, 2011 (including all of the CFPB's republishings).  In the next day or so, the e-CFR will be updated and reflect the new regulatory sections (the name of each regulation will then be included rather than the placeholder "XXX.") Â